As per The Cisco Learning Network link
Virtual Machines
Ubuntu Linux: 20.04 LTS
IOSvL2: 15.2
IOSv: 15.9
Cisco Catalyst 8000V: 17.5
Nexus 9300v (N9Kv): 9.3(8)
Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller 5.2 w/ ACI Simulator
Candidate Workstation
Note: A virtual machine image (OVA 8.2GB or qcow2 14.6GB) of the Candidate Workstation can be downloaded for use (8.2 GB). The instructions to install it on vCenter are available for download at the bottom of the page. Image definitions for deploying it to CML can be found via the cml-community on Github. These assets are provided to assist candidates in preparing for the DevNet Expert Lab exam. They are provided without support or warranty from Cisco.
The candidate workstation is based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Documentation for software will be supplied where available.
The following software is installed on the candidate workstation:
Ubuntu 20.04 standard GNOME desktop
Python 3.9
Ansible 2.9.26
cisco.aci 2.1
PyCharm 2021
Vim 8.1
Atom 1.58
Visual Studio Code 1.60
GitLens – Git supercharged
HashiCorp Terraform
Remote Development
Remote – Containers
Remote – SSH
Better Jinja
XML Tools
Google Chrome
Docker 20.10 + compose plugin v2.2
Docker-compose 1.29
Terraform 1.0
ciscodevnet/aci v0.7
Git 2.25
Kubectl 1.23
OpenSSH 8.2
cURL 7.68
wget 1.20
Postman 9
Wireshark 3.2
OpenSSL 1.1
Nginx 1.18
Bash 5.0
Zsh 5.8
Tcsh 6.21
Jq 1.6
direnv 2.21
Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO) local installation 5.5
Cisco NSO IOS CLI NED 6.69
Cisco NSO NX-OS CLI NED 5.21
Cisco YANG Suite 2.8
Python Libraries / Packages
The file "requirements.txt" contains the current versions of python libraries as installed on the candidate’s workstation. Candidates can use the command: python3.9 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate && pip install –r requirements.txt during their preparations to replicate a virtual environment as used on the exam.
Dependencies were tested only on Ubuntu 20.04.
Candidates are not expected to know every single dependency provided in the file.
Additional Python development tools (such as ipython, ipdb, rich, etc.) are installed and available for candidates if needed. Check requirements.txt to see what exact tools are available.
Documentation for Python libraries listed in the file "requirements_docs.txt" will be provided.
Both the “requirements.txt” and “requirements_docs.txt” files are available for download at the bottom of this article.
Other Third Party Software
GitLab 14
GitLab Runner 14
HashiCorp Vault 1.8
Telegraf 1.19
InfluxDB 1.8
Grafana 8.1
Kubernetes 1.23